号外!号外!高达基地(GUNDAM BASE)将强势登陆上海!
日期:2018-08-03 13:10
达粉丝聚集地,圣地!我们邀请您一起亲眼见到,身临其境地体验到高达基地(GUNDAM BASE)所带来的魅力!不仅如此,为了让粉丝们能在店铺之外享受到各种高达世界的魅力,「GUNDAM.INFO」和「高达基地官方微信」也会不时的发送最新的高达相关的情报。

GUNDAM BASE in Shanghai will become a gathering place and holy place for all its fans in China!We invite you to witness and experience its charm here in Shanghai!Moreover,in order for the fans to enjoy all kinds of charms of Gundam world outside the store,we have
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